Saturday, December 3, 2011

Skyrim Glitches Putting Damper on Enjoyment of the Game

Skyrim starts out with an exciting wagon ride where you can't move your character. But this is just the intro and your hands are bound. Once the initial cut-scenes are over, your hands are untied and you free to explore the massive world of Skyrim. The first few days are really cool and you accept many Quests and solve them while continuing on with the main story line. Then one day you try to follow the little white arrow which leads you into a house and you go upstairs and downstairs and you can't find how to get to it, because it is a glitch and you can't complete that particular quest. OK, well one glitch is not a day-spoiler, so you move on, but as you get deeper and deeper into the game, the glitches become more of a nuisance and widespread. Now it has gotten so bad, you can't move in a town anymore because the guards are all over you, but no matter what you do, you can't pay your fine or escape or anything, you are stuck in a treadmill of guard questioning hell. This sucks. Then trying to load an earlier game save and try it again yields the same issues. Pulling a lever that won't open the door, not being able to move forward in the quest. So you can root around online, or just wait for a patch. Others say they are having similar issues on the XBox, while PC users can use cheats to get around some of these nuisances. Bethesda, what is up?? Most software companies are pressured to get their stuff to market so they don't miss the holidays, so while revenue is pouring in, there are alot of disgruntled gamers that invest hours in the game only to come upon one glitch after another. Skyrim is a really cool game and concept, but the glitches are putting a damper on the enjoyment of the game. If anyone has any particular glitches they would like to share or solve, please put them in below for other frustrated Skyrimmers. Meanwhile, will hope the next patch fixes some of the current issue so we can enjoy the game once again. Gifted Gamer 2011