Saturday, January 24, 2009



This is a paintball game that shows how the game is professionally played.
One good thing about this game, is that unlike real paintball, you don’t get welts.
On the other hand you don’t get to cause welts on others, so there is that side of it too…
In this game, you can customize your hopper, marker, outfit, helmet, gun and a few other add-ons that makeup your character. In online mode, you can use the same gear that you use in career mode.

There are two types of paintball: woodsball and speedball. In each paintball field you play in, there are bunkers and obstacles for you to hide behind. You can choose to use the bunkers as cover or you can ignore them and blitz your opponent. When it is 7 on 7 single player, I generally blitz because I will get a few of them at least, and then I can switch to another unshot player on my team to finish them off. At first it is fun because these are single paintball matches. But later on they become tournaments. I find that the tournaments take too much time and if your skill can already beat the final level, you should be able to choose to advance further and not have to repeat the same fights over and over again.

It is fun to play online WHEN there are players, but this is a scarcely visited online room, so hard to get any real matches going. (unlike Call of Duty where you can get over 100,000 at a time online just on the PS3 servers). The biggest paintball match online I have played is 3 on 3, so hard to get a full room when everyone’s attention is on different games.

There is no real story line to this, all you are doing is repeating levels with slightly different fields. Sometimes though, this is fun to just play around, sprint down the field, grab the flag and outrun all the flying paintballs the opponents shoot at you. There is no team killing in this game. You can be prone, crouched or standing. You can switch if your character is right or left-handed by pressing the square button. Also some of the tunes are pretty catchy. So worth a rental.

This game is played in first person view. Overall I would say you should rent this game before you buy it. I give it a 6/10.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My cousin's dog vs. Pooh

Dog vs. Pooh-

If you are in the mood for a barking dog, check out my cousin's Lab at Christmas attacking Pooh.
At least he slobbers on the viewer at the end of the clip. Not much to do with gaming this post, but thought I would share Astro the Pooh-attacking Black Lab.

Best Selling Video Games

Best Sellers:

I have noticed that adults love to make lists -
Especially top ten lists. Take game rating lists, for instance. I have noticed that my favourite games appear on some lists but not others, depending on which site you check. Why can’t everyone agree?

If you look at the fine print, you will see what rules they used to make the lists. Some sites have top ten games by gaming system, some by games sold – regardless of how many versions there are. Some lists are just for Canada or the U.S., and some are for worldwide sales. The time period can also make a difference – sales for one month, one year, or since the game was released.

Ratings can also be for most sold, most played, most rented or highest rated by gamers. The ranking can even be by usage – how many minutes spent on each system or game. I can’t figure out how they can be so sure of that one. Last time I checked, no one was standing behind me with a stopwatch.

Just because a game makes a top 10 list doesn’t mean you will like it. I have bought some because of the hype, but didn’t play them more than a couple of times. So top for others doesn’t mean it will be top of your favourite games pile.

Apparently, WII Sports is now the number one selling game with over 45 million units sold. Hello – it came with the WII console! I don’t think it would be number one if it didn’t. The Super Mario Brothers games are now second most sold – worldwide. After that, the top gets iffy, depending on which site you check.

Well, I am going to start making my own lists. I think kids need their own rules to judge games. Stick with me & get the facts you need to be your own judge. Add your own comments and ratings to our message board, so you can let others know what you think as well. Hey – we are the ones doing the playing. Let us be the judges.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Happy New Year 2009!
Going to review my fairly large video game collection and get new games as they come out (everyone gave me video games for Xmas). Currently spending a lot of time on Warcraft - Lich King.

Call of Duty 4 overall is a decent game. It brings us to modern day warfare in the Middle East and demonstrates new weapons with authentically recorded audio of each different gun type and new maps. The online experience offers games such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, Headquarters and other new games. Unlike the other Call of Duty video games, the storyline is not about World War II and the weapons are all modern style weapons instead of the original World War II weapons. I think they should have released Call of Duty – World at War before Call of Duty- Modern Day Warfare. This way, the chronological story of World War II would have been leading up to the modern warfare.

Some Differences to older versions of Call Of Duty
With a lot of new perks, gun attachments but no vehicles on multiplayer, this game requires some but not all of the same tactics as Call of Duty 3 but in a much better graphic environment. You need to slightly adjust your skillz in order to play this game well if you were good at COD3.

Another difference is that in this game, instead of using your guns and fists for melee close range attack, you use a knife. In single player, if the dogs pounce on you (like Carnival) you will be forced to time your knife attacks on them. One problem with single player mode in this game is that there should be a few more checkpoints as it is frustrating to restart an entire level so far back. .

This game is rated M, but other than a little language in the single player mode (and certainly more than your share of frustrated online gamers in multiplayer) it really should be like E10+ since people are shooting each other, and 5 year olds should not try this at home. But there are a decent amount of tweens/teens online and some are better than the adults trying to play this game. There are a fair share of adults online as well. Overall I think this game is fun and the online version stands the test of time. This is not the type of game to rent, you will want to own it for constant access to the online multiplayer version. I rate this game 8.5 out of 10.

You can buy the latest Call of Duty World at War for Ps3 and other consoles used to save some cash here:

For advanced players, here is a link to some advanced hiding places in the maps:

Call Of Duty 4 Hiding Places Part 2 (Watch In High Quality) - Funny videos are here