Sunday, January 18, 2009

Best Selling Video Games

Best Sellers:

I have noticed that adults love to make lists -
Especially top ten lists. Take game rating lists, for instance. I have noticed that my favourite games appear on some lists but not others, depending on which site you check. Why can’t everyone agree?

If you look at the fine print, you will see what rules they used to make the lists. Some sites have top ten games by gaming system, some by games sold – regardless of how many versions there are. Some lists are just for Canada or the U.S., and some are for worldwide sales. The time period can also make a difference – sales for one month, one year, or since the game was released.

Ratings can also be for most sold, most played, most rented or highest rated by gamers. The ranking can even be by usage – how many minutes spent on each system or game. I can’t figure out how they can be so sure of that one. Last time I checked, no one was standing behind me with a stopwatch.

Just because a game makes a top 10 list doesn’t mean you will like it. I have bought some because of the hype, but didn’t play them more than a couple of times. So top for others doesn’t mean it will be top of your favourite games pile.

Apparently, WII Sports is now the number one selling game with over 45 million units sold. Hello – it came with the WII console! I don’t think it would be number one if it didn’t. The Super Mario Brothers games are now second most sold – worldwide. After that, the top gets iffy, depending on which site you check.

Well, I am going to start making my own lists. I think kids need their own rules to judge games. Stick with me & get the facts you need to be your own judge. Add your own comments and ratings to our message board, so you can let others know what you think as well. Hey – we are the ones doing the playing. Let us be the judges.

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