Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ratchet and Clank Future Review - Tools of Destruction

Ratchet and Clank Future - Tools of Destruction Review

This is the first Ratchet and Clank game for the PS3. I was anxious to see how the game evolved for the more powerful PS3 console. Would the graphics be much better? Would the game play be better? Here is my review.

For the most part the graphics were better than previous versions of Ratchet and Clank and I enjoyed the scenery of the various maps and levels. For some reason I enjoyed the graphics of Ratchet better in the older games. This game is as good gameplay as if not better than previous versions. Unlike the other games, when you are stopping some bad guy, trying to take over the galaxy or being imprisoned and having to fight back, in this game you are looking through Ratchets Lombax origin. His origin demonstrates new guns and tools that were made by the greatest minds to ever roam any galaxy.

This game features a single one of these inventions, The Dimensionator. This is a hat item that can open portals to teleport things through space. There is an alien tyrant who tries to get the Dimensionator to end the Lombax race once and for all and bring back his race, the Cragmites.

This game uses weapons as found in previous versions of the game although slightly modified, and completely new weapons for your arsenal in the Combat Devices. A good part of the game has to do with space pirates which end up surrendering to you, although when you go back into another level, they still attack you. There are new gadgets in this game as well such as the Leechbomb, which drains the enemies life and adds to yours. There is also the Groovinator which causes all of the nearby enemies to burst out and dance!

This game also puts Clank back in the action, which I was really happy about. And it even gave him some new modifications such as the Glider. In this game, you can also trade Leviathan souls which are gathered from large and dangerous creatures, for lots of bolts. Bolts are the currency of the game to buy weapon upgrades, ammo and more. Raritanium can be used to upgrade your weapon as well. You find raritanium in crates.

During your missions, you also find Cronk and Zephyr, two old battle bots as well as Talwyn who end up helping you throughout the game.

For fighting the last boss, I didn't find the Rhino that important, although it still helped alot. Here are the locations of all of the pieces of the Rhino holo-plan.

northern-most corner, break these boxes and you will have the Holo-plan for this planet.
Take the ferris wheel up to the right side and when you are about halfway up, jump and then glide to the right. See a bunch of crates, a holo plan is hidden within them.

Nundac Astreroid Ring
on Delta right beside a box by a green launch pads, the one furthest away from the teleporter.

Use helipod by a door to the right of you, go to right. There is a chest of raritanium, smash the crates and you will get a Holo-plan.
note that you must get the Holo-plan before taking the elevator, or you will have to backtrack
Rykan V
Go to the town area where your ship is. At one edge of town there is a river of lava flowing out from under big structures. Jump up and cross the river. In the farthest corner of the platform, there is a "box" containing a forcefield on one edge and a platform with HeliPod target on it. Jump into the box , then use your Heli-Pod to raise it high enough to get to the next platform. Break boxes and you should find the next holo-plan.
Once you get about halfway up the Troglosaur's spine, you can jump over to the building. or use RoboWings

Instead of taking the taxi, turn around on the platform and the Holo-Plan is in some boxes directly opposite the taxi.

Jasindu (Kerchu City)
Take the above ground path from where you land, kill the little bug eyed guys until you get to a pirate in an open area before you go under a bridge. Look directly to your right, there is a ledge about a double jump high in the face of the rock of the right wall of the open area. Up there is a raritanium chest with a holo- plan in it.

Ublik(Slags Fleet)
After you take the first ship across, fight your way to an area with a bolt crank. To your right is a grav ramp that will take you around behind the building. You'll find some raritanium chests, etc., and a path that leads to a ship. Don't follow the path yet, just walk around the area until you find the plan.

There are two gun-control turrets that Cronk and Zephyr use to annialate the force field. There is a platform in front of the control room to your right that you have to jump across open space to get to. You can see it pretty easily because it has a cluster of eight crates on it. Smash them and get your plan.

Igliak (Meridian)
There is a big room about halfway through the level with a trench in the middle that you can fall through the city if you fall in. In the right hand corner from where you enter it,right before the trench and up on a ledge, there are a group of boxes. They have the holo-plan.

Return to Fastoon
To get this Holo-plan, you have to delay the fight between Tachyon, and do this before Ratchet and Talwyn open the final chamber. When you use the Decrypter to get into the area just outside the final battle, stay to the right wall, smashing crates and other breakable objects as you go. It is actually very easy to find if you stay along that wall. Talk to the smuggler when you have all of these pieces to get the Rhino.
And of course as in all the other great Ratchet and Clank games, this game also has rail grinding. The last boss Emperor Tachyon, I found one of the best difficult end game bosses of all the Ratchet and Clank games.

Overall I really enjoyed this game and I give it an 8.5

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