Sunday, February 22, 2009

SLY COOPER 3, SLY3 Honor Among Thieves - Gifted Gamer Review

SLY 3- Honor Among Thieves – Gifted Gamer Review

Sly 3 is the third game of the series and this one has better graphics than the first two. In this game, not only can Sly pickpocket, Murray can mug people, Bentley can use technology and Sly does it the old fashioned way. How the game compares to the first two is, that it is more difficult and therefore sometimes more frustrating. My least favorite part of this game is the Bloodbath Bay section and getting into the vault. Once you are in the vault though, it is fun and you get to learn about some of Sly Cooper’s ancestors.

The final battle can be annoying but if you time it right, and dodge Dr. M’s attacks, then you should not have a problem with this. This is the first game of the three that did not have to do with Clockwerk. In this game, you start out on the last level and then have a flashback and have to go through the game. In the flashback your objective was to recruit a team of legendary thieves. Your recruits are Murray, Bentley starts off with you, Guru, Panda King, Dimitri and Penelope. This game is shorter than Sly2.

In this game you get to use vehicles such as planes and boats. The boat levels took too long for me as I had to sail to different corners of the map.

There is also multiplayer. There are four games for multiplayer, one is where you chase Sly as Carmelita and if you are Sly you have to get some jewels/valuables. Another one is a dog fight, ship battle and hacking thing.

This game also has 3D glasses which I chose not to use. You can play as Panda King with his fireworks, Inspector Fox, The Guru and other recruits during special missions.
You can only play with Sly, Bentley and Murray if you are just wandering around.

If you have never played a Sly Cooper game, I suggest you start with the first one in the series, then move to the second. If you like those, then you can try this one. If you have low patience level and are not the best gamer, then I suggest you do not play past General Tsao. At the end of this game, it basically says that Sly’s gang will be no more, although it hints a chance at Sly4 coming out. I think it is possible for Sly 4 to be made for PS3 and Xbox, because in Sly 2, Bentley got trashed up and it did not look like he would continue in the game, but he was back in a wheelchair.

Overall I rate this game a 7.
Gifted Gamer

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